Back That Thang Up!
Have you ever had a conversation with someone and were completely distracted by that person's lack of appreciation for personal space? Have you ever had that feeling when you went to see a movie on the big screen?
I recently had that experience while viewing Star Trek: Into Darkness. Sure, a close-up in a dramatic moment may emphasize what that character is saying, but over 2 hours of it makes for a claustrophobic panic attack. I was having Les Mis flashbacks. I kept waiting for J.J. Abrams to pull it back a little. Are we going to get a wide shot any time soon? Maybe include a little bit of the scenery in with the giant face? No? So I should just go back to counting the pores on the left side of Chris Pine's nose? Okay, then.
This is not to say I didn't enjoy the movie, but consider Benedict Cumberbatch for a moment. I find him to be an amazing actor and his presence is definitely a selling point in a film. However, he's intense on a TV screen. When his play-dough like face is stretched to 30 feet tall, it's just terrifying. So please take note Abrams and directors like him, back that thang up!